Janus Consultants

Branding for young professionals

Janus is a student consultancy from Hanover. Students from a wide range of disciplines come together here with one goal. They want to use and expand their skills together. Janus receives support from professors at the university or from business consultants. Since 1993, Janus has created a growing network that has given the student consultancy and its members a strong standing across generations.

  • Identity Workshop
  • Brand Strategy
  • Brand Design
  • Brand Assets


Das Erscheinungsbild von Janus entwickelte sich über 30 Jahre lang eher organisch und erlebte nie eine ganzheitliche Behandlung. Außerdem spiegelte es nicht mehr den Zeitgeist und die Haltung Janus’ wieder. Der Verein entfaltete sich über die Jahre zunehmend offener und progressiver. Ein Ort für Entrepreneurship und Innovation sollte auch nach Außen sichtbar werden.


The appearance of Janus developed rather organically for over 30 years and never underwent a holistic treatment. Moreover, it no longer reflected the spirit of the times and Janus' philosophy. The association became increasingly open and progressive over the years. A place for entrepreneurship and innovation should also be visible to the outside world.


The design is based on the slogan “unite the spark”. Janus creates connections not only with its network, but especially between theory and practice. The connection between what are actually two opposing parts is picked up in the design by the Möbius strip – visualized by dynamic line graphics. It is the key visual and forms the basis for storytelling with a high recognition value.

Hello, I look forward to your call +49 172 96 16 202 or message mail@robinkupski.de